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Archive for 2005

Horseshoe Crabs in the Americas


Delaware Bay Horseshoe Crabs are Thriving!

Letter to the Editor from Carl Shuster. Half a century ago, Rachel Carson’s books – The Sea Around Us and The Edge of the Sea – were recommended readings for aspiring marine biologists. Birds were not the subject of The Edge of the Sea; she did comment on horseshoe crabs. Download the pdf.


Horseshoe crabs are sustainable without stringent limits on fishery

News Journal: Letters to the Editor. Environmental activists, led by New Jersey’s Endangered and Nongame Species Program and New Jersey Audubon, continue their misrepresentation of statistics in
support of their narrow ecological vision of closing the Delaware Bay horseshoe crab fishery. Download the pdf.


Mispillion Inlet: a mix of watermen, waterfowl and horseshoe crabs

The Mispillion Inlet, where the Mispillion River and Cedar Creek empty into the Delaware Bay, is a special place. Download the pdf.


Fishermen blast crabbing moratorium

Environmentalists hope to protect red knots. Download the pdf.


Drop halts N.J. horseshoe crab harvest

State calls two-week moratorium due to shortage of migratory red knots. Download the pdf.


Horseshoe Crabs’ Decline Further Imperils Shorebirds

Mid-Atlantic States Searching for Ways to Reverse Trend . Download the pdf.


Thousands of Horseshoe Crabs Perish

Dead or dying crabs caught as rains block escape route. Download the pdf.


Horseshoe Crabs in Asia


Indian Government Moves to Protect Horseshoe Crabs: MoEF promises prompt action

New Delhi – Breaking its silence over the future of the endangered Horseshoe crab, the Ministry of Environment and Forest has promised prompt action to protect one of the earth’s oldest survivors. Download the pdf.


Indian Horseshoe Crabs in Serious Decline

Sibal writes to Environment: please help us save Ice Age survivor. Orissa coast one of last few habitats in the world of ecologically invaluable Horseshoe crab; its derivatives may rewrite medicine. Download the pdf.


Giant Horseshoe Crab Found in Nagasaki Prefecture

Japan: A giant horseshoe crab measuring 79.5 cm from head to tail, possibly the largest in Japan, has been found in the sea near the Kujukushima islands off Sasebo, Nagasaki Prefecture. Download the pdf.


カブトガニ:日本最大級か 長崎・九十九島で発見

Japan:  西海国立公園内にある長崎県佐世保市の九十九島(くじゅうくしま)海域で、頭から尾の先までの全長が79.5センチある雌のカブトガニが見つかった。カブトガニは「生きている化石」と呼ばれ、生態を研究している岡山県笠岡市立カブトガニ博物館によると、国内最大級とみられる。Download the pdf.


Horseshoe Crabs in Europe

ERDG in the News


Mispillion Inlet a Nexus of Concern

Delaware: Jobs, birds, crabs,homeland defense and the quality of life in a quaint bayside town. Many things depend upon the jetty at the mouth of the Mispillion River, but the jetty is crumbling and help does not appear to be coming soon. Download the pdf.


Slaughter Beach, Delaware Becomes ERDG’s Forth Community Based Horseshoe Crab Sanctuary

Delaware: Here they come. In about two weeks, hundreds of thousands of horseshoe crabs will return to Slaughter Beach.


Trailing the Ancient Mariner

Delaware: He may not be a beautiful swimmer — or at first glance,beautiful at all — but the American horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus, becomes more remarkable the more you learn about him. Download the pdf.