“Nonprofit leaders need new models that allow their brands to contribute to sustaining their social impact, serving their mission, and staying true to their organization’s values and culture.” In this section, with your help, we will post branding and marketing articles that reflect current trends and solutions to everyday problems.

The Role of Brand in the Nonprofit Sector

Spring 2012: Stanford Social Innovation Review, Authors: Nathalie Kylander, adjunct lecturer in public policy at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government and a research fellow at Harvard’s Hauser Center for Nonprofit Organizations. She is also an adjunct assistant professor of international business at the Fletcher School at Tufts University. Christopher Stone is the Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Professor of the Practice of Criminal Justice at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government and the faculty director of Harvard’s Hauser Center for Nonprofit Organizations.

Nonprofit leaders need new models that allow their brands to contribute to sustaining their social impact, serving their mission, and staying true to their organization’s values and culture. In this article, we describe a conceptual framework designed to help nonprofit organizations do just that. We call this framework the Nonprofit Brand IDEA (in which “IDEA” stands for brand integrity, brand democracy, brand ethics, and brand affinity).

Increased Conservation Marketing Effort has Major Fundraising Benefits for Even the Least Popular Species

2017: Biological Conservation 211 (2017) 95-101, Authors: Diogo Veríssimoa, Greg Vaughanc, Martin Ridoutd, Carly Watermane, Douglas MacMillana, Robert J. Smitha,


Conservationists often complain that their study species are ignored by donors. However, marketing theory could help understand and increase the profile and fundraising potential of these neglected species. We used linear regression with multimodel inference to analyse data on online behaviour from the websites of the World Wildlife Fund-US (WWF-US) and the Zoological Society of London’s EDGE of Existence programme (EDGE), in order to understand how species traits and marketing campaign characteristics influenced flagship-based fundraising efforts. Our analysis accounted for species traits through variables such as appeal and familiarity, and marketing campaign characteristics through measuring the order in which the species were presented and the amount of information provided.

Branding for Nonprofits: New Research, New Insights

March 1, 2012: Forbes.com, Leadership, Contributor: Rahim Kanani

Recently, I interviewed Nathalie Kylander, adjunct lecturer in public policy at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government and a research fellow at Harvard’s Hauser Center for Nonprofit Organizations. Kylander, along with Hauser Center Faculty Director Christopher Stone, are authors of an in-depth research study published in the Stanford Social Innovation Review on the role of brand in the nonprofit sector. I wanted to further the discussion by digging a little deeper into some of their insights. Kylander is also an adjunct assistant professor of international business at the Fletcher School at Tufts University, and has been researching nonprofit brands for more than a decade.